First, I'd like to thank everyone who donated time, money or goods to the car wash. We made $270 and had a great time!
Here is what is going on for August:
JULY 31st -IMPORTANT and brief booster meeting. I urge you to be there at 7:30 on THURSDAY.
AUG 1st-12th -Strader's Mum Sale. You have an order form in your email to print. We will go over details at the meeting.
AUG 4th-9th - GIFT CARD ORDERS. Use the drop box and envelopes or see Jackie at the beginning and end of practice. We have a free 1/2 hour private lesson with coach Erin available to the gymnast who's family has the highest dollar amount ordered. You will find the merchants at These gift cards come quick and it's actually nice having them to grocery shop or purchase something you are planning to purchase anyway. **BONUS** $100 in Target gift cards will enter you in a drawing for a backpack filled with school supplies and a $50 gift card!!
AUG 12th- 19th- KRISPY KREME DOUGHNUT SALE this was a good sale for us for those who participated. We will try a week day delivery for those who could get orders for your workplace. DELIVERY will be August 21st during practice.
AUG 13th- DINE AT RAISIN' CANES on Stringtown Rd. They will donate a % to us for everyone who shows a flyer. The % depends on how many people participate. You can pick up a stack of flyers at the gym and pass them the family, friends and neighbors. Date is not confirmed, You will be notified asap.
I have a list of things needed and volunteers needed for the zumba-thon. I will have a sign up sheet at the gym beginning Thursday. It will be posted on here as well.
Lastly, the booster club will be writing Nate a check for August fees. It will result in a $10 discount from what you owe. He will send out an email to let you know what to pay him. It was in our hopes to be able to offset the cost more, but we are going to need to have more participation in raising more funds. Hopefully, the upcoming fundraisers will be better success. There is a bank statement hanging at the gym each month for all to see. We will go over financials at the meeting on Thursday.