Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Booster Reminders

Please turn in your mum orders and money today at practice! You can put in the the drop box or give to Jackie or Jodi. It is important that we get it TODAY!! (Tuesday 8/12)

Pick up your Raisin' Canes flyers today. Our dining fundraiser will be held on Monday, August 18th! The more folks we have dining and turning in the flyer, the higher percentage we will earn. Take a night off from cooking and have dinner with the team!! 

BONUS: We have Roosters 10% off cards available for $10. See Jackie or Tiffany if you'd like to buy one. You can take them to sell too. This is easy and 100% PROFIT!!

Zumbathon sign up sheet is on the table. We still need volunteers. You will be receiving tickets to sell to the event. Please return the money and/or the tickets not sold. If you need more tickets, let me know.

Please email if you are at all interested in having a team picnic/gathering. We are not set on a date. We just need to know if there is an interest. If so, we will move forward with planning and finding a date that works for the majority. 

I am forming a committee to begin planning of the Pre-Season Meet (Mock meet) I would really like at least 5 people to be on this committee. Please email if you are interested. We need to have a planning meeting in the next couple weeks, so please respond as soon as possible!


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