Friday, October 31, 2014

Some Upcoming Reminders

1.  November 1st- Last day to let Coach Erin know if your daughter will be participating in the Rock and Roll Classic(optional January Meet).  We will put an email out to all those signed up by the 3rd with final details of payment.

2.  Sign Up Genius was sent out for Private Lessons-This is the easiest way for the coaches to keep track of extra time in the gym.

3.  Saturday, November 8th - Girl's Team Parent Meeting (Pre-Team Included) 12:30-1:00
We don't have tons to share but just want everyone to feel ready for the upcoming season.  Please email me any questions you may have that you would like addressed.  I will try to weave those answers into our agenda in an effort to be respectful of everyone's time.

4.  Please make sure your $25 has been paid to the Booster Club for the Turkey Tumbler on November 22nd.  This is our home opener and we will have judges to score our gymnasts.  It will be some nice feedback before the season officially begins.

5.  A CHANGE…Coach Nate sent out some closing dates for the upcoming holiday season.  He originally stated that the gym would be closed the Saturday after Thanksgiving.  We will still be having practice for the girls team our normal time.  So, that would be Saturday, November 29th.  Normal Practice for the Girls Team.

6.  November Gymnasts of the Month-(wow, October went so fast we didn't get any gymnasts highlighted!) We will double our November gymnasts of the month to get as many girls highlighted before our season begins.  I will email those parents to get your permission to highlight your gymnast!

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